(I apologize in advance for the formatting of this article. If there is a way to present code in a good way using the Blogger editing tool, I haven't found it. Even hand-editing in HTML using the pre HTML tags allows leading whitespace to be removed.)
Two years ago I wrote a series of articles on Diminuto and Arroyo, the results of my pet project to put together a platform on which to teach systems programming and embedded software development on the commercially available ARM-based AT91RM9200-EK evaluation board. It was a bigger effort that I had anticipated that included tool chains, kernel images, root file systems images (either as an initramfs RAM disk for Diminuto or an SD-card based EXT2 file system for Arroyo), as well as a library of systems programming functions and small useful tools built on top of it.
Most of Diminuto and Arroyo have remained unchanged. But libdiminuto and its collection of tools has been a moving target, as I have added things that I have found useful over the years. Here's some of the new stuff in version 1.3.0.
The library now contains a simple little function that lets you dump memory objects in hexadecimal in network byte order, for example as part of your debugging output. The output of the unit test for the function looks like this.
# ./unittest-dump beb81b80: 00010203 04050607 08090a0b | ............| beb81b90: 0c0d0e0f 10111213 14151617 18191a1b |................| beb81ba0: 1c1d1e1f 20212223 24252627 28292a2b |.... !"#$%&'()*+| beb81bb0: 2c2d2e2f 30313233 34353637 38393a3b |,-./0123456789:;| beb81bc0: 3c3d3e3f 40414243 44454647 48494a4b |<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJK| beb81bd0: 4c4d4e4f 50515253 54555657 58595a5b |LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[| beb81be0: 5c5d5e5f 60616263 64656667 68696a6b |\]^_`abcdefghijk| beb81bf0: 6c6d6e6f 70717273 74757677 78797a7b |lmnopqrstuvwxyz{| beb81c00: 7c7d7e7f 80818283 84858687 88898a8b ||}~.............| beb81c10: 8c8d8e8f 90919293 94959697 98999a9b |................| beb81c20: 9c9d9e9f a0a1a2a3 a4a5a6a7 a8a9aaab |................| beb81c30: acadaeaf b0b1b2b3 b4b5b6b7 b8b9babb |................| beb81c40: bcbdbebf c0c1c2c3 c4c5c6c7 c8c9cacb |................| beb81c50: cccdcecf d0d1d2d3 d4d5d6d7 d8d9dadb |................| beb81c60: dcdddedf e0e1e2e3 e4e5e6e7 e8e9eaeb |................| beb81c70: ecedeeef f0f1f2f3 f4f5f6f7 f8f9fafb |................| beb81c80: fcfdfeff |.... |
Since the function does all the heavy lifting, writing a dump tool that can dump files and such in the same format from standard input is trivial.
# dump -? usage: dump [ -t ] -t Tee input to stdout, output to stderr -? Print menu
When the data you want to look at comes from a serial port or other asynchronous character-oriented device, this isn't quite the tool you want. You want something that can dump data in real-time, as it comes across the communication port, and let you examine both the printable and unprintable characters in the stream. The name phex is short for "print hex" but I pronounce it fex.
# phex -? usage: phex [ -e ] [ -l BYTES ] [ -n ] [ -t ] -e Also escape the characters '"', '\'', and '?' -l BYTES Limit line length to BYTES instead of 80 -n Do not escape newlines -t Tee input to stdout, output to stderr -x Print normally escaped characters in hex -? Print menu
When phex senses that its standard input is a serial port, it places the port in raw mode, so that the Linux terminal driver doesn't try to interpret any of the special characters. phex automatically handles line wrapping as its dumping so that it doesn't drive your own display terminal crazy. It prints unprintable characters as C-style escape sequences. It prints each character in real-time as it reads it from standard input. It normally prints to standard output, but it can be easily told to print to the unbuffered standard error file descriptor.
# ./unittest-phex | phex \0\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\a\b\t\n\v\f\r\x0e\x0f\x10 \x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c \x1d\x1e\x1f !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABC DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstu vwxyz{|}~\x7f\x80\x81\x82\x83\x84\x85\x86\x87\x88 \x89\x8a\x8b\x8c\x8d\x8e\x8f\x90\x91\x92\x93\x94 \x95\x96\x97\x98\x99\x9a\x9b\x9c\x9d\x9e\x9f\xa0 \xa1\xa2\xa3\xa4\xa5\xa6\xa7\xa8\xa9\xaa\xab\xac \xad\xae\xaf\xb0\xb1\xb2\xb3\xb4\xb5\xb6\xb7\xb8 \xb9\xba\xbb\xbc\xbd\xbe\xbf\xc0\xc1\xc2\xc3\xc4 \xc5\xc6\xc7\xc8\xc9\xca\xcb\xcc\xcd\xce\xcf\xd0 \xd1\xd2\xd3\xd4\xd5\xd6\xd7\xd8\xd9\xda\xdb\xdc \xdd\xde\xdf\xe0\xe1\xe2\xe3\xe4\xe5\xe6\xe7\xe8 \xe9\xea\xeb\xec\xed\xee\xef\xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5 \xf6\xf7\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd\xfe\xff
Dealing with memory-mapped hardware devices is part of the job when you are writing device drivers and doing other systems programming chores. Before you launch into writing thousands of lines of device driver code, it pays to poke around the device to learn how it works. memtool lets you do that. When run as root, it allows you to map an arbitrary physical address block to the virtual address space and manipulate data within it. It doesn't require any special device driver, and runs completely in user-space.
# memtool -? usage: memtool [ -d ] [ -a ADDDRESS ] [ -l BYTES ] [ -[1|2|4|8] ADDRESS ] [ -r | -[s|c|w] NUMBER ] [ -u USECONDS ] [ ... ] -1 ADDRESS Use byte at ADDRESS -2 ADDRESS Use halfword at ADDRESS -4 ADDRESS Use word at ADDRESS -8 ADDRESS Use doubleword at ADDRESS -a ADDRESS Optionally map region at ADDRESS -c NUMBER Clear NUMBER mask at ADDRESS -d Enable debug mode -f Proceed if the last result was 0 -l BYTES Optionally map BYTES in length -r Read ADDRESS -s NUMBER Set NUMBER mask at ADDRESS -t Proceed if the last result was !0 -u USECONDS Sleep for USECONDS microseconds -w NUMBER Write NUMBER to ADDRESS -? Print menu
What kind of things can you do with memtool? On the AT91RM9200-EK board, there is a red LED controlled by the Programmable I/O (PIO) B controller. Here is a little bash script that uses memtool to flash the red LED on and off by directly manipulating the PIOB controller registers.
PIOB=0xfffff600 # PIOB SIZE=0x200 # PIOC - PIOB PER=0xfffff600 # Program Enable Register OER=0xfffff610 # Output Enable Register SODR=0xfffff630 # Set Output Data Register CODR=0xfffff634 # Clear Output Data Register GREEN=0x1 # PIOB0: disk activity YELLOW=0x2 # PIOB1: cpu idle RED=0x4 # PIOB2: ours USEC=1000000 # 1 second TRIES=30 # 30 tries (about a minute) memtool -a ${PIOB} -l ${SIZE} \ -4 ${PER} -s ${RED} \ -4 ${OER} -s ${RED} while [ ${TRIES} -gt 0 ]; do memtool -a ${PIOB} -l ${SIZE} \ -4 ${CODR} -s ${RED} -u ${USEC} \ -4 ${SODR} -s ${RED} -u ${USEC} TRIES=`expr ${TRIES} - 1` done
I've gotten email from a couple of folks who have used Diminuto or Arroyo. (Believe me, no one could have been more surprised than me!) One of them mentioned that it would be great to have some examples of simple device drivers. One of the more common memory-mapped devices that I encounter is the Field Programmable Gate Array or FPGA. FPGAs are programmable logic devices that may implement functions as simple as a few logic gates or as complex as a full-blown processor core. They are frequently used as a sort of hardware glue to connect devices together on a board, or to implement complex application-specific logic. The logic that they implement frequently exposes control, status, and data registers on the processor memory bus. It occurred to me that it would be easy to write a generic memory mapped device driver that would work with all sorts of devices, including FPGAs.
The mmdriver device driver is exactly that. It is a loadable kernel module that provides managed, non-root, access to the underlying memory mapped device, whatever it is. The physical memory space that it controls can be specified at compile-time through the use of compiler flags to define C preprocessor symbols. But it can also be dynamically configured at install time though the use of module parameters. If no configuration is provided, mmdriver maps to the registers of the very same PIOB controller in the memtool example above. (If you think you know where this is going, you're probably right.)
# insmod diminuto_mmdriver.ko # lsmod Module Size Used by Not tainted diminuto_mmdriver 6956 0 # mknod /dev/mmdriver c 240 0 # ./unittest-mmdriver # rmmod diminuto_mmdriver
On top of mmdriver is mmdrivertool, a user-space tool very much like memtool but which uses ioctl commands to mmdriver, running in kernel-space, to manipulate registers in the managed device.
# mmdrivertool -? usage: mmdrivertool [ -d ] [ -U DEVICE ] [ -[1|2|4|8] OFFSET ] [ -[s|c|w] NUMBER ] [ -u USECONDS ] [ ... ] -1 OFFSET Use byte at OFFSET -2 OFFSET Use halfword at OFFSET -4 OFFSET Use word at OFFSET -8 OFFSET Use doubleword at OFFSET -c NUMBER Clear NUMBER mask at OFFSET -d Enable debug mode -f Proceed if the last result was 0 -r Read OFFSET -s NUMBER Set NUMBER mask at OFFSET -t Proceed if the last result was !0 -u USECONDS Sleep for USECONDS microseconds -w NUMBER Write NUMBER to OFFSET -U DEVICE Use DEVICE instead of /dev/mmdriver -? Print menu
Here is as script that blinks that very same red LED, this time using mmdrivertool and the mmdriver device driver.
PER=0x0 # Program Enable Register OER=0x10 # Output Enable Register SODR=0x30 # Set Output Data Register CODR=0x34 # Clear Output Data Register GREEN=0x1 # PIOB0: disk activity YELLOW=0x2 # PIOB1: cpu idle RED=0x4 # PIOB2: ours USEC=1000000 # 1 second TRIES=30 # 30 tries (about a minute) mmdrivertool \ -4 ${PER} -s ${RED} \ -4 ${OER} -s ${RED} while [ ${TRIES} -gt 0 ]; do mmdrivertool \ -4 ${CODR} -s ${RED} -u ${USEC} \ -4 ${SODR} -s ${RED} -u ${USEC} TRIES=`expr ${TRIES} - 1` done
With both memtool and mmdrivertool, here's the big disclaimer: when you are accessing physical hardware using these tools, you are handling a loaded firearm with the safeties off. Tools like this are difficult to test. Difficult enough that I haven't found a way to completely unit test all the code paths in them. Once, while poking around for a read/write hardware register that I could use to unit test both tools, I got my evaluation board so sideways that I had to power cycle it to get it back, only to discover that I had scrogged my persistent root file system in the process.
Get used to it. That's what systems programming and embedded software development is all about. You have to break a few eggs (or in my case, smoke a few boards) to learn this skill.
Update 2013-09-23: Later versions of memtool use offsets much as mmdrivertool does. This turns out to work a lot better with how memory mapped registers are typically defined in processor reference manuals and header files, as offsets from a base address.
$ memtool -?
usage: memtool [ -d ] [ -o ] [ -a ADDDRESS ] [ -l BYTES ] [ -[1|2|4|8] OFFSET ] [ -m NUMBER ] [ -r | -[s|S|c|C|w] NUMBER ] [ -u USECONDS ] [ -t | -f ] [ ... ]
-1 OFFSET Use byte at OFFSET
-2 OFFSET Use halfword at OFFSET
-4 OFFSET Use word at OFFSET
-8 OFFSET Use doubleword at OFFSET
-C NUMBER Clear 1<
-S NUMBER Set 1<
-a ADDRESS Map region at ADDRESS
-d Enable debug mode
-f Proceed if the last result was 0
-l BYTES Map length BYTES at ADDRESS
-m NUMBER Mask at ADDRESS with ~NUMBER prior to subsequent sets
-o Enable core dumps
-t Proceed if the last result was !0
-u USECONDS Sleep for USECONDS microseconds
-? Print menu
Update 2013-09-23: Later versions of memtool use offsets much as mmdrivertool does. This turns out to work a lot better with how memory mapped registers are typically defined in processor reference manuals and header files, as offsets from a base address.
$ memtool -?
usage: memtool [ -d ] [ -o ] [ -a ADDDRESS ] [ -l BYTES ] [ -[1|2|4|8] OFFSET ] [ -m NUMBER ] [ -r | -[s|S|c|C|w] NUMBER ] [ -u USECONDS ] [ -t | -f ] [ ... ]
-1 OFFSET Use byte at OFFSET
-2 OFFSET Use halfword at OFFSET
-4 OFFSET Use word at OFFSET
-8 OFFSET Use doubleword at OFFSET
-C NUMBER Clear 1<
-S NUMBER Set 1<
-a ADDRESS Map region at ADDRESS
-d Enable debug mode
-f Proceed if the last result was 0
-l BYTES Map length BYTES at ADDRESS
-m NUMBER Mask at ADDRESS with ~NUMBER prior to subsequent sets
-o Enable core dumps
-t Proceed if the last result was !0
-u USECONDS Sleep for USECONDS microseconds
-? Print menu
Here's the script shown above ported to the new version of the tool. Warning: I haven't actually tested this script, but I have used the new memtool at length.
PIOB=0xfffff600 # PIOB
SIZE=0x200 # PIOC - PIOB
PER=0x00 # Program Enable Register
OER=0x10 # Output Enable Register
SODR=0x30 # Set Output Data Register
CODR=0x34 # Clear Output Data Register
GREEN=0x1 # PIOB0: disk activity
YELLOW=0x2 # PIOB1: cpu idle
RED=0x4 # PIOB2: ours
USEC=1000000 # 1 second
TRIES=30 # 30 tries (about a minute)
memtool -a ${PIOB} -l ${SIZE} \
-4 ${PER} -s ${RED} \
-4 ${OER} -s ${RED}
while [ ${TRIES} -gt 0 ]; do
memtool -a ${PIOB} -l ${SIZE} \
-4 ${CODR} -s ${RED} -u ${USEC} \
-4 ${SODR} -s ${RED} -u ${USEC}
TRIES=`expr ${TRIES} - 1`