Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Ghidra 9.2.2

 Ghidra is an open source graphical tool produced by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) to analyze binary (compiled) software images for a wide variety of hardware targets and compiler platforms. Amongst its many capabilities are generating a disassembly listing and (remarkably) generating a decompiled listing back into C. This latter case requires that the tool recognize idiomatic instruction sequences produced by common compilers like GNU C, as well as deal with some special cases in which assembler code is inserted inline by the C developer, e.g. for memory barriers, low level synchronization primitives, and accessing special hardware registers.

The NSA released version 9.0 of Ghidra to the public just about two years ago. I wrote a couple of articles (see references below) here about using it to reverse engineer compiled code from my Diminuto, Hazer, and Scattergun projects. I did find a couple of bugs - multiple symbol tables in shared objects confusing the disassembler, and inserted memory barrier instructions confusing the decompiler - reported them, and got useful feedback from one of the developers.

Yesterday I installed the latest public release of Ghidra, 9.2.2, and tried two of the specific cases that were problematic that I wrote about in my two blog articles. Casual perusal of the Ghidra 9.2.2 disassembled and decompiled output for ARM7 binaries suggests both of these issues have been resolved. I updated both articles with remarks to this effect, and included screenshots of the updated output.

Reverse engineering has a lot more applications than just cybersecurity. Analyzing deliberate malware isn't typically my area; but debugging proprietary embedded software, and integrating my and my clients' new code with legacy systems, is an integral part of what I do for a living. Tools like this can be crucial for dealing with undocumented or under documented legacy systems. Reverse engineering tools like Ghidra should be in the toolkits of embedded and other low level systems developers.


C. Overclock, "Ghidra", 2019-03-25

C. Overclock, "Decoding Special Machine Instruction Sequences with Ghidra", 2019-03-26

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